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Kayfun V5 RTA Atomizer

Free Shipping Kayfun V5 RTA Atomizer Clone Electronic E Cigarette 316SS KF 5 Rebuildable Tank Atomizer with Single Deck
* Removable anti heat drip tip
* 4/5 ml capacity
* 22mm width
* 60mm height
* Top filling
* Juice flow control
* Enlarged build deck for easier building
* M2 build screws for larger gauge wires
* Airflow control ring
* 1.8mm-3.2mm airflow holes
* 316L stainless steel construction
* 510 connector
* Individual serial number
* Easy to assemble and maintain
* 1:1 Clone
23 sold
  • Detail

    Package including:
    • 1x Kayfun 5 with glass tank section fitted
    • 1x Stainless Steel tank section
    • 1x Spares kit
    • 1x User manual

    Build Quality and Design

    Kayfun atomisers have always sported some of the very best build quality found on an atomiser, and the Kayfun 5 continues this long tradition.svoemesto kayfun v5 review

    Manufactured from 316L Stainless Steel, everything is manufactured to perfection, with the smallest machine tolerances, with no burrs or sharp edges present.

    Everything slides together as it should, however you will want to ensure you lubricate the o-rings at the bottom of the deck to prevent the juice flow control from becoming stuck during use!svoemesto kayfun 5

    The Kayfun 5 is 22mm in width, and measures a rather tall 60mm without taking into account the 510 connector and drip tip.

    When it comes to the capacity of the Kayfun 5, you have two options. If you use the steel tank section, that comes pre fitted to the Kayfun 5, you will have a 5ml capacity but won’t be able to see your e juice level.svoemesto kayfun 5 stainless steel

    If you swap this out for the glass tank section the capacity will reduce to 4ml however you will be able to check how much juice is left in the tank.

    Juice flow control is present, allowing you to adjust the juice flow depending on the mix ratio of juice by rotating the tank, and in conjunction with the pressure based juice feeding system you will find you won’t have any issues with any type of juice mix ratio.

    You can completely take the Kayfun 5 apart in order to maintain it. The drip tip is 510 threaded and can be removed, you can even unscrew the POM part of the drip tip and thread in a different coloured one if you wish.kayfun 5 parts

    The 510 connector is adjustable, however an issue I picked up on was that unless you screwed this in real tight it had a tendency to come loose over time, meaning the Kayfun 5 would wobble on the mod, and causing the resistance to become unstable.

    Kayfun 5 Build Deck

    Kayfuns have always been known for possessing single coil two post build decks that are very easy to build on, but could sometimes be a bit of a devil to wick.

    With the Kayfun 5, you have the same style of build deck, however it has been modified to make building and wicking easy. There is more space than ever to build on, and large M2 screws are present so thicker gauges of wire can be used.kayfun 5 build deck

    There are also notches cut under the screws at either side of the deck, allowing you to loop thicker wire around and trap it under the post screw heads with ease.

    With the Kayfun 5 build deck, you will notice that there is a large airflow hole in between the two posts, and you will want to make sure your coil sits over this, raised up around 1mm.

    Either side of the deck there are two slots for your wick tails, juice is fed up through the holes in the base of these slots so you will want to make sure your wick tails are fluffed up and rest nicely in these slots.

    Overall the Kayfun 5 is a really simple RTA to build on, you will get to grips with it extremely quickly no matter how experienced you are with building your own coils, and you’ll find you will be able to rebuild your Kayfun 5 in absolutely no time at all.

    It’s really forgiving too, and provides outstanding results.

    Kayfun 5 Airflow

    For the first time with a Kayfun, mouth to lung and direct lung vaping options are available right out of the box.

    There is even a mouth to lung reducer kit available separately that tightens the draw even further, if you find the 1.8mm airflow setting is too tight for you/

    Thankfully you don’t need to mess around with airflow screws or go up through the 510 connector with a screwdriver to adjust the airflow on the Kayfun 5 like you did with previous Kayfun tanks. There is now a dedicated airflow control ring is present and you can adjust the airflow whilst the Kayfun 5 is screwed onto a mod.

    Changing the airflow setting on the Kayfun 5 is quite simple.

    You lift up the airflow control ring, and rotate it to position the airflow holes over your desired setting before pushing it back down over the setting.

    The different settings are represented by a dot on the base, 1 dot is 1.8mm, 2 dots are 2.2mm, 3 dots are 2.7mm and 4 dots are 3.2mm.

    Essentially the airflow goes from a mouth to lung draw, a looser mouth to lung draw, a restricted lung draw to an unrestricted lung hit.

    How Does The Kayfun 5 Perform?

    What Kayfun RTA’s are known for is exceptional flavour and the Kayfun 5 may well be the very best of the lot at this!

    The flavour really is outstanding, intense flavour that allows you to savour every single individual note present in your vape juice, and the flavour delivery is exceptionally smooth as well.

    Taking a nice long hit on your Kayfun 5 will reward you with flavour notes you possibly haven’t yet experienced before, and it consistently delivers as well.

    Wicking is perfect, the Kayfun 5 has a pressure based feeding system that means juice is fed to the wick constantly.

    Combined with the adjustable juice flow control, you can adjust how quickly juice gets fed to you wick, and enables even the highest of VG vape juice to wick.

    It does wick so well however, that the Kayfun 5 can get through an awful amount of juice very quickly, especially if you use a low resistance sub ohm build.

    When it comes to clouds, the Kayfun 5 is no slouch either. It can produce plenty of vapour if that is your thing, the more open airflow settings of 2.7mm and 3.2mm definitely produce a pretty impressive level of vapour.

    What I Liked

    You don’t get much better than a Kayfun when it comes to build quality. The Kayfun 5 is near flawless and a really exceptionally designed and made piece of kit.

    Airflow options on offer are fantastic, and cater for everyone from mouth to lung to direct lung inhalers. The Kayfun 5 also can produce some quite impressive clouds if that is your thing as well!

    The wicking is exceptional on the Kayfun 5, and you can use any mix ratio with no issues. In fact, it wicks so well, I don’t think I’ve ever had a dry hit or any spitback/gurgling from this tank.

    Rebuildable tanks don’t come much easier than the Kayfun 5.

    It’s an exceptionally easy tank to build and wick, with a simple two post single coil deck, that is really forgiving as well.

    With the enlarged deck and new M2 post screws used, you can fit some pretty big coils in there as well without having to struggle to trap the coil legs under the post screws like you used to on older Kayfuns!

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